Sunday, 23 November 2014

Album Cover Research POP

This is the album cover research analysis of Katy Perry's album 'One of the Boys' which is of the POP genre.

Filming at Greenwich Zak Swindell

In this construction post i'll be showing and discussing what we did when we filmed in the Greenwich underground footpath. By the images below we managed to get a good amount of footage which we can use for our pop music video. But there's a chance that we might have to go back because we might have to get a bit more footage to fill out the time of the pop music video.

From this shooting session we can take a lot of positives, for example we got more footage which we can include in our 2nd draft, the shots we got bring more exciting and creativity to our pop music video. This footage that we got now brings more to our pop music video which will hugely help us for when it comes to trying to get a high mark.

If we do go back to get some more footage we would like to get some more in the elevator this is because most of the footage that we got was on the staircase and also the actual footpath, the elevator looked good on camera but we ran out of time to get a good amount done so getting footage in the elevator would be something that we would try and get done.

Getting to Greenwich

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Animatic Feedback - Zak Swindell

This is the feedback for the animatic me and my group made. From looking over at all of the responses to the questions that we asked, a high amount of the responses contained positive feedback which is a good sign, there are some things that we need to think about improving on, for example at some stages of the animatic it didn't make that much sense so for the actual music video we need to improve on that.

with this we can look at what negative feedback we got and make improvements so we can get a better overall make meaning a higher grade. when looking at any negative feedback we can go back to the animatic and make the changes which are needed.

Talent Release Form - Zak Swindell

In this task we had to get our artists to sign these talent release forms agreeing to be the artists in our pop music video. As you can see below both artists have signed our release forms agreeing to be the artists in our music video.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Music Video Draft

This is the music video draft with only green screen footage. From this we can evaluate the what we have done so far.

Many things did not go out as planned for example, we do not have our original performer so we have decided to go ahead with two new artists for the music video.

A positive aspect of this draft is that it is still based around our concept idea and we are still filming shots that were planned on the storyboard.

However, this green screen footage needs to be re shot because there are some issues with the framing and the focusing which involves the use of the camera. To improve on this the camera can be turned on to automatic focusing so it is always focused throughout the song and the artist's movements are always in focused. With the framing there needs to be less headroom at the top for some of the shots which will be done next time we reshoot

Also the artists performance needs to be emphasised more and have to be more enthusiastic so they look like actual pop artists. To emphasise that they are pop artists the performers could have accessories to wear such as glasses, hats or brighter clothing to give them that unique pop artist look.

Other areas of improvement include shadows and creases that come up on the coloured backgrounds. This can be improved when editing the music video and will be done when everything has been reshot.

Album Cover Research - Zak Swindell

Friday, 14 November 2014

Music video Draft 1 - Zak Swindell

Album cover analysis- Michael Clack

This is my analysis of One Directions album cover

Music video first draft-Michael

This is the first draft for our music video with some things that we have done well and some things that we will need to improve on.


The first positive for our first draft is the costume that we have used is very similar to the type that we planned on using. We planned on using very colorful shirts and we was able to use these we feel that the costume has a pop looking feel to it with a few additions in terms of accessories but the basic costume is what we wanted to have.

Another positive is the framing for the shots of myself are good and every thing is in frame. This is very good because it will just give the music video that touch of professionalism. If we was to have lots of space around the artist and above the head it could look very unprofessional and wouldn't get the best grade.

We also had a go at trying out the green screen. In terms of the green screen we had no idea how to use it therefore it was always going to be difficult. Therefore by getting the shots done and some sort of effect on it we have a little experience now and it should be a lot easier as we go forward.

Lack of shots. We have a very low amount of shots and this is something that will need to be changed for the final deadline as it will look very unprofessional otherwise. We have planned to shoot at two more locations therefore it will look at lot better when it is finished.

Changes of colour in the green screen. As you can see there are various different colours in the green screen which doesn't look very professional. Therefore we will need to change that. When shooting again we will need to look out for things like creases and shadows which has caused this colour change.

The artists in the video look do not look very professional at the moment. This is something that we will need to improve in the next shoots

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Construction post - Green Screen

In this task we showed that we could set up the equipment for the green screen. So for this we had to set up the greens screen and the lights. Below is the proof of us setting up the equipment. In this task we learned how to correctly set up the green screen and the lights. Now as a group we can create the set for the green screen

For our pop music video, our theme is of a video game so by using the green screen we will be able to do this effectively. We will be adding movements which the artists will be doing throughout the music video such as hand swipe from left to right, a finger press to show a push of a button and a drag motion.

Some of the commands which i described above are shown in this test shot video, With the green screen me and my group want to give it a futuristic feel so when we start to edit then we will be putting in these effects.

Construction post- green screen

This is us setting up the green screen. To set up the green screen we had to get the screen matched up at the same height at both sides. We also had to make sure that we placed the lights in the correct place to minimize the shadows from the lights as much as we could.The reason we had to do this is because when editing the footage it may recognize the shadows as a different colour.

We will be using the green screen to help develop our theme for the video our theme is a video game therefore we will have the artist moving objects around the screen such as icons and words. As we will have commands for the artist to follow.