Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Second draft for the advert

This is the second draft for our album cover, compared to the first album cover i think that we have improved hugely. We've made a new background and managed to add to the main image of the two pixelated artists. I've also added the information of the release date of the new album and also a featured song called Techno Girl.

Audience Reaserch-Michael Clack

This is the audience research for my advertisement and digipack. I asked questions about the colour scheme and about the genre of pop. This is because it is very important that the audience can see the clear link between the video and the advertisement and digipack therefore, if we was to use dark colours this link would be a lot less obvious and the album wouldn't link. Also if we was to use darker colours it may attract the wrong target audience. The next question I asked was the theme of the album and the theme of the video and if they match. I asked this question because again we would need to have a clear link between the album and the advertisement and digipack. The last question I asked was do you feel the two characters suit the genre. The reason that I asked this is because we would need to make sure that the two artists fit in with the pop genre.              

Audience Research for Promotional Pack

Zak Audience Research

This is the video which is me asking the three questions about our ancillary tasks, the magazine advert and the cd cover. looking at the responses from these questions I can say that we have received some positive feedback which is a good sign.Because our ancillary tasks are not yet complete having this good feedback means that we can continue to improve and make our ancillary tasks better.


Sunday, 11 January 2015

Magazine Advert Plan

This is the magazine advert plan. It links with or album cover with the techno writing styled font and with the pixelated/animated faces. Only this time it has the individual features and accessories that we see and associate the artists with. It is their own unique look about them. The magazine advert of the album follows the conventions with having the title of the album, name of the artist, the artist image and names of some songs that feature on the album.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

design for advertisement Zak Swindell

For this post i will be showing my design for the advertisment for the debut single of Fast Forward. Below i will be discussing the design seeing what's good and what could be changed.
With this advert i have included the name of the artists and also the name of the of the new album Fast Forward. This is key for a album advertisment because it is showing to the people reading who they are and what there debut albums called. With the design i went with the two artists face looking at the camera with this i choose to draw this because it allows the artists to link with the audience. 

If i was to improve this then i could add much more colour to make the advert stand out also adding more information and maybe making the main image smaller so more can be put onto the page.