Thursday, 11 September 2014


Mise en scene:

The mise en scene is very different in this music video to what you will usually see in music videos of the same genre. The costumes that are used are very different as we see the main vocalist (or so it would seem) in a elephant costume. This gives the audience a good idea about the music video as it is talking about paradise and we see the elephant escape from the zoo this is the reason why te director chose to use this costume. I think that this is a very good and original idea.

The location of the music video changes as we follow the elephant around the world to find his/her 'paradise'. We first see the elephant in a zoo locked up behind bars and looking very sad because of this we then begin to feel sympathy for the elephant as he is obviously very sad because of this. We then see him visit various different locations as he escapes from the zoo. We see him pass through the London underground, Heath row airport boarding a plane, walking the streets, riding down a road, we then see him in the jungle with his other elephants and he looks happy as he has found his paradise compared to the zoo in which he was unhappy. 


The lighting is high key throughout the music video. This is mainly because it is shot outside during the day. Therefore at the beginning of the music video it doesn't really fit but towards the end it fits the music video very well. 


We see a long shot of a heard of buffalo whilst the sun sets and the word 'paradise' this shot could give us a very good idea of what the main artist or the person we will see in this video and what their idea of paradise is. 

We also see a close up of the elephant counting down days. This shot shows us that the video could be about the elephant trying to get out or waiting to get out of the zoo to try to find paradise. This shot was choose to show that the elephant is very unhappy. 


We see lots of cuts from different locations to show the elephant is moving around from various different locations. 

The editing is also very slow although their is a point in the video where the lyrics are being held up by the elephant. 

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